May 16th
Is sunny today, still cold, but no rain. Should have some nice views.
Is a laundry day, I have run out of clean clothes.
Is time for a relatively restful day anyway; legs are tired.
Breakfast was very good again, and the natto was back.

The owner, for some reason, interrupted the meal to tell me they did not like the local kamoshika, goat-antelopes, because they continually ate into her garden and being a protected species, she could not harm them.
After breakfast, I am shown the dryer and told the washing machine is broken. But then was lead round to the outside of the building where there was an ancient machine dating back to the warring states period, which still worked.

The working machine

View from the washing machine
So this morning will be sitting and waiting while the machines do work for me.
Laundry done, a slow meander to the souvenir shops near the cable car, looking for wolf paraphernalia for Zoe. Almost nothing on offer, odd for a mountain dedicated to wolves. Sat and looked at the view for a bit.

Checked out another shop, which had even less, bought another beer and was told I could only drink it over at the picnic tables, which was fine, as that was my original intent.

Nothing wolfy for Zoe at the cable car gift shop. Bought more of the only snack available to me – wasabi flavoured broad beans and indulged in a bottle of sake to round out my day of rest and relaxation.
Currently back at the shubuko.
May sit on the veranda and possibly take some photos, may not.

From the veranda

From the veranda

From the veranda

From the veranda
Kai Cho